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OG&E and OKCPS honor new teachers
OG&E and OKCPS honor new teachers

May 3, 2024


Since 2016, we’ve partnered with the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation to empower bilingual teachers to create generational change in their communities. The OKCPS Foundation hosted a graduation ceremony honoring the five newest graduates of its Teacher Pipeline Program.

This initiative provides full financial support for paraprofessionals as they earn their degrees and become certified OKCPS teachers, helping local schools recruit and retain passionate educators and furthering the district’s diverse teacher workforce. 

The ceremony, sponsored by OG&E, recognized pipeline participants past and present, highlighted the importance of diverse, quality educators, and celebrated the incredible achievements of the five newest pipeline graduates. 

The Teacher Pipeline Program strengthens communities and creates better educational opportunities for students in OKCPS. Congratulations to this year’s graduates and many thanks to the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation for energizing teachers, families, students, and communities.

For more information about the Oklahoma City Public Schools Foundation’s Teacher Pipeline Programs,  visit


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