Programas de Eficiencia
Programas de Eficiencia
Couple smiling in kitchen
Increase Your Comfort and Savings
Optimize your home's energy efficiency with up to $3,000 in upgrades. See if you qualify, at no out-of-pocket cost to you.
Bring Home Easy Savings

Our Energy Efficiency Program provides energy-saving tools, services and incentives to all customers. From attic to basement, we’ll help you discover which upgrades work best for your home and budget. 

Couple outside on porch looking at a tablet

Even More Ways to Save

We offer rebates and incentives for a variety of home upgrades, including attic insulation, windows and doors. You can also look for special pricing on energy-efficient products at local retailers.

Explore Rebates

Two little girls playing in front of a fan

Weatherizing Homes in the Community

Customers increased their comfort and lowered their monthly bills with the Energy Efficiency Program. We partnered with the Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) to weatherize 35 homes in the tribe’s Father Joe Murphy Elder Housing community in Shawnee.

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A couple getting an evaluation for energy efficiency upgrades.

Professional Upgrades

Through this program, we’re able to offer more to our customers with a household income of $60,000 or less in Oklahoma. Homes that have been weatherized by OG&E within the last 3 to 5 years may not be eligible for this program.

Increasing Comfort with Efficient Upgrades

OG&E recognizes Mental Health Awareness Month

A donation of $10,000 and weatherization upgrades went to 77 housing units owned & operated by Mental Health Association Oklahoma with the help of OG&E.

OG&E vendor weatherizing a home

Supporting Our Neighbors

Empowering neighbors who need a hand is an integral part of our culture. We support hundreds of local and regional nonprofits that meet the many needs of customers through financial and in-kind donations, volunteering and active outreach.

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Multi-Family Solutions

Multi-family property owners can get energy-saving products like LEDs, high-efficiency showerheads and advanced power strips installed in each unit at no cost. Contact us today to get started with a walk-through assessment.

Woman on the phone at her desk smiling

Contact Us Today

For more information, call 877-898-1759 or email

Related to Energy Efficiency
OG&E representative doing as assessment at Mustang schools in Oklahoma
Business Energy Efficiency
We’ll find solutions to help your business lower costs.
Woman sitting on couch smiling at laptop
Average Monthly Billing
Level out unpredictable bills and manage your energy use with Average Monthly Billing.
Woman adjusting thermostat and smiling
Our SmartHours plans offer lower off-peak discounts overnight and all weekend long during the summer months.